Participant Code of Conduct

Policy Statement:

Every spectator, player, club member, official, participant, administrator, coach, parent or member of the community involved with Highvale Netball Club (HNC), should work to ensure that at every training session, match day, tournament, Committee meeting, AGM, Presentation Day or other event where the club is involved there is: 

  • Inclusion of every person as per the Highvale Netball Club “Inclusion and Diversity Policy” and “Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy”. regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, race, culture, religion or ability
  • Opportunities for people of all abilities to participate and develop to their full potential in netball. Respect is shown towards all members of the club (players and officials), spectators and the broader community.
  • A safe and inclusive environment for all.
  • Elimination of violent and abusive physical and verbal behaviour.
  • Protection from sexual harassment or intimidation.

Highvale Netball Club is a friendly club which thrives on the encouragement and support of team officials, players, parents and spectators / supporters alike. We are very proud of the enthusiasm, conduct and behaviour of our extended netball community.

The Club has “Player”, “Parent / guardian” and “Coaches” Codes of conduct so that the expectations of the netball community are clear and so that the games can be played and enjoyed by everyone in a safe and inclusive environment.

Below are the Parent, Player and Coaches Code of Conduct. Please read the relevant section for you and ensure you understand your responsibilities.

Both forms need to be read and agreement to the code of conduct signed when attending the first training/game, activity for each season or part thereof. No player or official will be permitted to take the court or attend meetings without this agreement.

Player code of conduct:

I Will:

  • Participate because I enjoy playing netball.
  • Ensure I know all the rules and play within them at all times.
  • Participate in a fair and safe manner.
  • Accept all umpiring decisions without argument or bad temper.
  • Conduct myself in a responsible manner relating to language, temper and punctuality.
  • Co-operate with my coach/s and other players, treating others as I would wish to be treated.
  • Ensure at all times that my behaviour is fair.
  • Always be supportive of and patient with my fellow teammates.
  • Be a responsible member of my team by being on time to training and matches, attending all training sessions and always wearing appropriate clothing, including footwear.
  • Respect and acknowledge the contribution of those who create the opportunity for me to play. This includes volunteer coaches, scorers and team managers.
  • I will read and adhere to the “Inclusion and Diversity Policy” and “Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy”.

Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct:

I Will:

  • Encourage my child to participate in Netball.>
  • Focus on my child’s efforts and performance rather that the overall outcome of a game.
  • Teach my child that an honest effort is as important as victory.
  • Encourage my child to always play according to the rules.
  • Never ridicule or yell at any person for making a mistake or losing a game.
  • If I disagree with a coaching decision, I will raise the issue directly with a senior coach, Team Manager, Coaching Co-ordinator or the Club Executive rather than question the coach’s judgment and honesty in public.
  • Be a model of good sportsmanship for children to copy.
  • Support all efforts to remove physical and verbal abuse.
  • Support the use of age-appropriate development activities and modified rules.
  • Be courteous in communication with administrators, coaches, players and umpires and teach children to do likewise.
  • Recognise and respect the value and importance of volunteer administrators, coaches and umpires. They give up their time and resources to provide recreational activities for players and deserve my support.
  • I will read and adhere to the “Inclusion and Diversity Policy” and “Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy”.

Coaching Code of Conduct:

I agree to:

  • Treat all players with respect at all times. Be honest and consistent with them.
  • Promote a climate of mutual support amongst my players. Encourage all players to respect one another regardless of their level of play.
  • Encourage and facilitate players’ independence and responsibility for their own behaviour, performance, decisions and actions.
  • Provide feedback to players in a caring manner sensitive to their needs. Avoid overly negative feedback.
  • Refrain from any form of personal abuse towards players or their parents.
  • Ensure that all tasks, training methods, equipment and facilities are safe and suitable for age, experience, ability and physical and psychological conditions of the players.
  • Ensure all time spent with the coach is a positive experience. Provide training and opportunities that ensure everybody has a reasonable chance to succeed, develop skills and confidence.
  • Set challenges for players that are achievable and motivating.
  • Act as a role model at all times, promoting the positive aspects of sport and maintaining the highest standards of personal conduct.
  • Respect and accept the role of officials. Know and abide by netball rules and encourage players to do likewise.
  • I will read and adhere to the “Inclusion and Diversity Policy” and “Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy”.

Breaches to the Code of Conduct/Behaviour:

Unfortunately, on occasion, disputes / conflicts occur. The club has zero tolerance of any breach of the code of behaviour and has a policy “Guideline to breaches of Policy or Code of Conduct” in place should such incidences occur:

The HNC committee encourages all disputes / conflicts to be dealt with immediately or soon as they occur at player/umpire / coach / team manager level. Typically disputes / conflict occur due to a misunderstanding or lack of effective communication. This confusion can generally be cleared up once all parties have all relevant information. In the instance that resolution is not achieved, steps shall be taken as per the policy: “Guideline to breaches of Policy or Code of Conduct


There may be circumstances, however, where the breach to the Code of Behaviour is very severe. In these instances, and to address these issues with haste, the HNC Committee reserves the right to determine an appropriate response based on the facts gathered and presented to them.