Home » Policies & Procedures » Breaches to Code of Conduct
Our core value is Respect: respect for self, respect for others and respect for the environment. We have a strong commitment to making sure every member of our community, regardless of background or personal abilities, is treated with respect and dignity. We strive to provide a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all members to enjoy the team sport of netball.
We are committed to providing a kind and caring culture that allows learning, personal growth and positive self-esteem to develop in safe environment. The emphasis on kindness ensures there is consistent interpretation and understanding. Highvale Netball Club aims to develop healthy and positive relationships where individual differences are respected. Highvale Netball Club will not tolerate harassment or bullying in any form.
All incidents and complaints of harassment and/or bullying and or breach of code of conduct will be treated seriously. Confidentiality will be maintained unless required otherwise by law.
The Highvale Netball Club will only deal with issues of cyber bullying and harassment between members of the club that occur on club used platforms (eg: Club Facebook page or team chat platforms).
Highvale Netball club will not get involved in issues of cyber bullying and harassment which occur outside of club used platforms. We strongly encourage any affected members to contact the police in this circumstance.
The Highvale Netball Club Executive Committee or delegate will aim to speak with the necessary parties to gain an understanding of what events have led to the complaint within 5 days of being made aware of indecent/s.
Discussion with the affected parties will take place to outline verbally any consequences. This will be followed by an official letter from the Highvale Netball Club with a summary of the events and any subsequent consequences.
Consequences invoked by the Highvale netball club may include but are not limited to:
Serious and/or repeated breaches will result in exclusion from partial or full netball matches and/or training.
Parents and spectators could be excluded from standing courtside at training and/or matches.
In the event of 3 serious breaches of the code of conduct, your membership will be brought before the Committee for discussion and your future as part of Highvale Netball Club will be reviewed and/or terminated as per their recommendations.
Minor (warning, recorded for ability to refer back to, should the behavior progress)
Serious (written record with copy given to party with infringement and expected pathway forward)
If the SAME minor breach occurs, then it will be documented as a Serious breach and handled accordingly, as we are all allowed to make mistakes and have misunderstandings, but we also need to learn and change inappropriate behaviour.
REG NO. A0019001H