Anti Bullying and Harassment Policy

Policy Statement

Our core value is Respect: respect for self, respect for others and respect for the community. We have a strong commitment to making sure every member of our community, regardless of background or personal abilities, is treated with respect and dignity. We strive to provide a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all members to enjoy the team sport of netball. 

We are committed to providing a kind and caring culture that allows learning, personal growth and positive self-esteem to develop in a safe environment. The emphasis on kindness ensures there is consistent interpretation and understanding. Highvale Netball Club aims to develop healthy and positive relationships where individual differences are respected. Highvale Netball Club will not tolerate harassment or bullying in any form.


    • Harassment is any verbal, physical, or sexual conduct (including gestures) which is uninvited, unwelcome or offensive to a person.
    • Bullying is repeated harassment, physical or psychological, of another person or group.
    • Bullying and Harassment may present in the following forms:
      • Verbal: including name calling, teasing, racist remarks, sexist comments, put downs, etc.
      • Nonverbal: such as obscene gestures or inappropriate acts.
      • Physical: including pushing, hitting, tripping, hair pulling etc, or stealing, hiding, or damaging belongings.
      • Social: such as alienating or ignoring someone or spreading rumors or implying inaccurate / misleading or inappropriate content about one’s character or reputation. This includes verbal and/or written form.
      • Psychological: where someone is made to feel threatened or intimidated by dirty looks, staring, hiding, or deliberately turning away etc.
      • Sexual harassment: such as sexist comments, comments about a person’s sexuality or appearance or inappropriate acts including inappropriate text messaging, emails, chat rooms, gossip, using someone’s image to upset etc
      • Cyber bullying consists of covert, psychological bullying, conveyed through the electronic mediums such as mobile phones, web logs and websites, online chat rooms, MUD rooms (multiuser domains where users take on different characters) and Xangas (online personal profiles where some adolescents create list of people they do not like). It is verbal (over the telephone, internet, or mobile phone), or written (flaming, threats, racial sexual or homophobic, harassment) using the various mediums available.


A Club wide approach will be adopted to prevent bullying and harassment and will involve players, coaches, committee members/officials, and parents/guardians. Strategies will be implemented to inform and educate the club’s community and to respond to incidents of bullying and harassment.


The Highvale Netball Club’s Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy will be widely promoted to players, coaches, committee members/officials, and parents/guardians. It will be available on the Highvale Netball Club’s website and included at the beginning of each season’s newsletter to club members.

A player, parent/guardian and coach code of conduct will be distributed to all club members at the start of each season.

All players, and parent/guardians (for those players under the age of 18) will be required to sign and return the code of conduct to the teams’ coach prior to round one of each season. Until the signed copy is received, players will not be permitted to play in netball matches representing Highvale Netball Club.

All coaches will be required to sign and return the code of conduct to the Highvale Netball Committee prior to round one of each season. Until the signed copy is received the coach will not be able to participate in any training or matches for the Highvale Netball Club.

For guidelines on potential breaches to policy, please refer to ‘Highvale Guideline to breaches of Policy or Code of Conduct’ policy.

REG NO. A0019001H