Guidelines for Team Managers

The following information is provided to assist coaches in managing the wellbeing of their players in relation to medical conditions, accidents and injuries and to provide guidelines on the appropriate action to take in relation to each of these situations if they arise at training or during competition. It also outlines expectations of players with active medical conditions and/or returning from injury.

First Aid Kits

  • All match-day bags contain first aid kits that are re-stocked at the commencement of each season.
  • A communal first-aid kit is available at training. A committee person or parent will be responsible for keeping the first aid kit and coaches will be notified at the beginning of the season as to who this is.
  • Coaches and team managers should check the first aid kit regularly throughout each season and advise their committee coordinator of any items required to re-stock the kit.

Medical conditions

  • Players with existing medical conditions, which may affect their ability to perform, are expected to inform their coach prior to each season. This includes, but is not limited to, asthma, Type I Diabetes, anaphylaxis and growing-related conditions (i.e. Osgood-Schlatter’s and Sever’s disease). Emergency treatment plans should also be discussed with your coach in the event you should require  assistance in treating your medical condition and your parent/guardian is not present. At the coach’s discretion, it may be necessary to confidentially advise the team manager.
  • Coaches cannot be responsible for illnesses or conditions that are not disclosed to the club.


  • The coach or available committee representative will manage any injuries or accidents occurring at Highvale Netball Club training sessions.
  • The training first aid kit is available for treating minor injuries/accidents. Coaches also have access to the facilities in the medical treatment area at the Waverley Netball Centre (WNC)/Sportlink – this includes a wheelchair. A phone is also available for emergency calls.
  • In the case of serious injury or accident where a parent/guardian is not present, the coach should attempt to call the emergency contact numbers provided on the back of team sheets, in the order specified, to gain instructions in relation to treatment. If unable to reach any emergency contact numbers, the coach should consult with another coach at the training session and determine the most appropriate action to take. If in any doubt about the wellbeing of the player, the coach should call an ambulance immediately, stay with the player and ensure another coach/adult continues to try and contact the emergency numbers provided. An Injury Report Form needs to be completed and signed by the coach (or primary person treating the injury/illness) and the injured player/parent. The club secretary needs to be notified and the form forwarded to him/her for filing.
  • During competition, the coach needs to be aware of any medical conditions relating to their players and take the appropriate action to remove a player from the court if they deem necessary.
  • The team manager or parent/guardian (if present) should escort the injured player to the medical treatment area at the WNC. If the player is unable to move, the team manager or parent/guardian should go to the medical area and alert the staff on duty of the need for medical treatment at the courtside.
  • If a player sustains an injury during competition, the sports trainer at the Waverley Netball Centre (WNC) should be notified and the injury recorded in the WNC injury book. This is important for insurance purposes.
  • In the case of serious injury or accident during competition where a parent/guardian is not present, the coach should follow the same procedures as outlined for training sessions.

Returning from injury or illness

  • If a player presents at training, or for competition matches, it will be assumed they are ready to fully participate in both unless the players or parent/guardian specifically instructs the coach otherwise.
  • It is the responsibility of the player/parent/guardian to advise of any modified training or match requirements e.g. play quarter/half for next n weeks, etc. Your return-to-netball will be agreed to in consultation with the coach with the teams’ best interests as the priority.

Committee Support

  • Coaches are encouraged to confidentially discuss concerns regarding the physical wellbeing of their players with committee members, if they require support/assistance in managing situations at any time.